Monday, September 10, 2012

Thick Description: A New Home

Having grown up in Arizona and being somewhat new to living in Utah, I was at first uncertain of what places have a special meaning to me. I haven't been at BYU long enough to have any special spots on campus that have good memories tied to them. I definitely wouldn't want to spend anymore time in the testing center than I have to.  I like my apartment and enjoy my time there, but it wouldn't be an ideal place for me to go if I just wanted to sit and ponder as it's a bit chaotic. My parents and my little sister moved from Arizona to Highland, Utah about 7 months ago, while I've been here at BYU. When I first heard the description for this project I thought that my parents new home couldn't qualify for a special place for me because I have only been there a number of times and I don't really even have my own room there. But then again I thought about how I feel when I am there. The house doesn't contain special memories of things that happened or things that I went through, but there are some feelings that I have while I'm in this new home that make me feel like I'm back in the home I was raised in.
As I enter this new home I feel like I travel through a vail when I walk through the doorway. Instantly I feel that the stress and troubles of the world are left behind. My shoulders feel physically lighter knowing that my responsibilities are fewer during my visit home. A higher form of relaxation can be achieved here not only because my bed or couch is more comfortable than the ratty old ones in my apartment, but also because I am surrounded by the comfort of those that love me unconditionally. The quietness here seems more real. By that I mean that the quietness is natural and not forced like what it would be like in my apartment having to close multiple doors to achieve a decent amount of forced quietness. The sound of the air conditioning is like a distant ambience that helps your mind meditate and puts you into a deep sleep.
The food tastes better here not only because my mom is a better cook than I'll ever be, but also because I can share the food with people I love. The laughter that takes place at the dinner table seems to transport the laughs we had at our dinner table in Arizona. Even though my older brothers aren't around I can picture us having a good time together here. The ability to picture all of us together brings me comfort and makes me want to be here. Though the visual attributes of the home are foreign to me, the feelings I have during my stay are very familiar to me and it causes me, whenever I have to leave, to desire to return.

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