Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Textual Poaching

Artist's Statement:
For this assignment I recorded a quick rough-cut instrumental version of the song "Come Thou Fount," which is one of my favorite songs. It is a song that is performed very often as a musical number during church services. However the version I recorded is one that would never be played during a worship service. The reason is because I added distortion, speed and loud drums. To be short I made it into a rock n'roll song.

Who decides what tone of music is spiritual? Why is rock music not considered spiritual? I believe it is because of the actions of those who invented the "rock" genre of music. They were often found partying, doing drugs, and in short, causing trouble. But what if this wasn't the case? What if the founders of rock instead were sophisticated, religious gentlemen? What if they had used their free time to serve others instead of get wasted? I believe that if this had been the story, then rock music would not carry all the negative connotations it carries today. I venture to say that the music would be considered spiritual and would be performed in more church services.

After getting feedback from some friends a important point was brought up about why rock music became known and unspiritual. This reason being the lyrics. The majority of lyrics inside rock songs are definitely not uplifting. But yet again I simply want to ask what if. What if the founders of rock wrote about uplifting lessons? Would then, their songs be considered spiritual or is it still the distortion, tempo, and beat that drives the spirit away? I believe that this decision isn't one that should be decided for us, but we must venture to make our own stance.
-Josh Weathers

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