Tuesday, November 6, 2012


This is what it was supposed to sound like...

Artist Statement:
           I really enjoyed the web searching I did for this project because I found sites that not only worked for this project but they were sites that I plan on using in the future for various kinds of projects. I first searched for flash player interactive instruments where I could play the notes of an instrument with the mouse or keyboard. I was able to find a good amount of them however most of the instruments were difficult to play a melody on. The one interactive instrument that I ended up using was a drum set. The next sound bytes I searched for was repeating loops. I was happy to find a website called "http://looplabs.com"looplabs.com. Here you can choose between genres of music and then there is hundred of different riff loops of many different types of music. It then lets you drag your selection of riffs/loops into a timeline and you can decide when the different instruments come in and out. Next I searched for some ambient sounds that I could use. Of the various ambient sounds, the one I used at the beginning and end of my portion was an assemblage of sounds that were heaven-like. The last sounds I found to finish the piece were some quotes from Steve Jobs' keynote presentation of the first iPhone.
           I was really disappointed with my performance because it did not go anywhere near to what I had planned. All the links worked but for some odd reason the looplabs site didn't have the loops that I found when I practiced it on my home computer. The heaven sounds and the Steve Jobs keynote were about the only parts I could get to work and I didn't wan't to go over my time limit so I sadly had to give up my attempts to get it all to work and let the show go on to the next person. It was definitely a bummer to not be able to show everyone what I really wanted to, but it was a good lesson to be learned on the difficulties of performing live.
           I really enjoyed the whole night with all of the sounds and food. The party was centered on pleasing two of senses, tasting and hearing, and I feel that both of those senses left very happy. This experience was different from recording a song in a studio for a couple reasons. First it was live so there were no different takes or cuts. Also you would have no idea what the student before you was going to leave playing so there was a chance that your song wasn't going to transition well with it. This project was different from most of the narrative driven media that were accustomed to because the story is up for your own interpretation. As we listened to the music I think we all naturally as filmmakers pictured what footage we would shoot for each part of these songs, but all of us are picturing maybe completely different things with different meanings. That's what great about it all. 

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