Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Concerned Citizen

Artist Statement:
Initially, when we began this assignment, we wanted to highlight the work that Josh W. and his roommate were doing to help a Hispanic family in the area.  Each week, they go and visit this family, specifically to help the kids out with their homework.  In doing so, they've gotten to know this family and the struggles they undergo as a hispanic family in a predominantly English speaking place.  However, as we talked about this, we realized that the family themselves had the more interesting story.  Here is a small family, living in a to them foreign land, learning a new language, and trying to fit in with their new community.  So we asked them if it would be alright if we came over and asked them some questions about their life.  We know that they are undergoing some current struggles, and thought that it would be good to highlight this subset of the community of which many are unaware.  

They were very welcoming, and the kids enjoyed having some extra motivation to goof around.  When we asked Manuel, the father, about his experiences in coming to the United States, about leaving his family, and other struggles he has had, we ended up getting a lot less "drama" than we expected, or perhaps hoped for.  Though he had had some difficulties, his journey, as well as that of his family, had been relatively smooth.  Manuel is an exemplary person and a hard worker.  In fact, he some advice to those who wish to enter the United States, or those who are struggling to fit in.  One of his biggest tips was to work hard, and follow the law.  He even stated that the law was there for everyone's own good.  

This was a good experience for us.  Instead of highlighting or finding some problem within society, we were able to uncover these hidden gems, a wonderful family that flourishes despite some difficulties.  There are several things going on that they didn't discuss in the video that we know are difficult trials for them, yet it seems that they have maintained a positive attitude, another great help for getting through difficulties.  

These sort of exercises are great for expanding our awareness.  It's a responsibility we have as adults and members of our community to be aware of these things, and learning more about communities, or subsets within our own community that we're unfamiliar with, help us to be better citizens ourselves, and increase our understanding of others.

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